Thursday, April 10, 2008

Knitting Dishclothes

Earlier in my youth I taught myself the basics of knitting but then got married, had kids and the knitting was left in the basket.

A few years ago, I started knitting again when I came across some hand knit dishclothes. I love the idea of using something I make in basic ways such as in doing dishes with these clothes. The dishclothes themselves are small enough that they knit up in a small amount of time. This menopausal brain sometimes has a hard time concentrating on any one thing for long periods of time right now unfortunately.

I like to try and learn new stitches also and this is a great way to practice them. To get ideas for stitches I have enjoyed using Barbara G. Walker's, Treasury of Knitting books. She has four of them in print but the two I seem to keep going back to are the first Treasury of Knitting Patterns and also her Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns.

Here you can see just a few of the dishclothes I have knitted.

Someone once shared a great tip for which I will be forever grateful. As small as they are, I rarely get the time to sit down and knit a complete cloth in one sitting. I work on each one just a bit at a time. The tip was to use a post it note to keep your line place in the knitting pattern you are using. This works wonderfully for me.

The dishcloth in the pictures is the one I am currently working on and is made using the stitch Banded Crescent Pattern on page 110 of Walker's Treasury of Knitting Patterns.

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