Friday, April 11, 2008

This is the life!

Knowledge is being soaked up here. Learning is taking place because he wants to learn. He is listening to a college course lecture from The Teaching Company for FUN!

Joshua is 14 and and passionate about History and Literature. We have listened to the American History lecture from this company that I had ordered years ago for his oldest sister and he really enjoyed it. We get their catalogs periodically and Josh browses through them each time they come in the mail. Recently he found one of special interest, The Italian Renaissance, and asked for it for his birthday.... INSTEAD of an upgrade on his hand-me-down cell phone. Hey, mom was good with that. Older sister who works at Abercrombie & Fitch, she figured she'd better keep him too far out of nerd-dom with a few things from their store.

He has been listening to the lectures, one or two a day, since they arrived and then shares with me all of the things he is learning.... not because I require him to but because he wants to. I had suggested that we use the lecture for our World History studies but he asked to be able to just listen to them for his own personal enjoyment. Not something this mom could say no to.

I can't say enough good things about these lectures. They are well-delivered by professors of various colleges and contain a tremendous wealth of knowledge. Josh already has his eye on a few other lectures on different topics.

The lectures can be pricey depending on which lecture you are interested in but they always have some great sales they offer. Joshua's lecture was on sale and I was even able to use a $10 off coupon that had come with my catalog when I purchased it. They have a great satisfaction guaranteed policy too.

Now I just need to try and get the headphones off his head so I can listen to some of the great things he is hearing all about in this lecture!

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